Part 1: Awakening
Episode 1: Awakening

Mendechaus rudely cuts off the first narrator. He's a disembodied voice, but this portrait seemed fitting.

This is our war table, showing the realm of Kairos. Notice the distinct lack of everything being on fire. We're here to fix that.

Unfortunately, we're stuck doing the tutorial level first. We'll make it quick.

The big glowing green thing in the middle is our dungeon core. If that goes, we go. This is unfortunate, because it seems to attract heroes who want to hit it with their swords.

These little green guys are our workers. They're magical creatures summoned by our will, and they're totally disposable. They're usually pretty efficient, but if you're feeling impatient, there's a mechanic for slapping them to make them work a bit faster. Our first priority is to have them tunnel through the rock towards the jagged thing at the top of the screen.

This is a gateway. This is what monsters use to immigrate to our dungeon. Now that our workers have tunneled to it and claimed it, worthwhile monsters can start appearing here. However, first we have to build something that will attract the monsters. Maybe closets or a big bed for them to hide under?

Actually, what the tutorial wants us to build is this room with a training dummy. Maybe this will attract some really big, muscular fitness bro monsters?


Actually, gnarlings aren't that bad. Among your early-game monsters, gnarlings are decent melee fighters that work well in large numbers. And since they're attracted by the barracks, which you need to train all of your units, you're inevitably going to attract a lot of them.
In order to keep them fed and happy, I build a pigsty for meat.

And this sleeping quarter. Apparently the latest trend in monster bedroom décor is "gibbet chic".

Before I can complain any more about the interior of this dungeon, the walls are breached by little blue ghosts! They strike so suddenly that I can't even get a good shot of them!

I send in the gnarlings. The ghosts are roughly equivalent to my workers, who are worthless, so the gnarlings make short work of them. Beating the ghosts is the end of the tutorial level, thankfully.

Next time, we'll actually get to face some heroes and pillage all their stuff!